Water Signs

Water Signs – Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer

When it comes to water signs, I think you guys get misunderstood the most.  You are usually the sensitive ones of the zodiac – either physically or mentally feeling and connecting to your surroundings.  Emotionally intelligent, you have an innate ability to effect people on a deeper level.  This goes in both directions as you know what to say to make someones day, just as well as ruin it (especially if you’re close to the person).

Scorpios infamous for their intensity and passion, is usually true – It is quite fascinating to watch a Scorpio open up and go on about their personal obsessions/what they find amazing…you’ll find yourself agreeing just by all the love they express for said thing.  Pisces are fairies floating through this world in which they are too gentle for – always ready for a good time, as long as everyones having fun too.  Cancers, you guys cry it out when you need too, and theres nothing wrong with that – thats how the stars hardwired your body to react to intense situations.

Earth signs

Earth Signs – Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

Earth Signs are very strong minded, deep people – not to be assumed that they can’t be superficial, they just often have a wider world view with large perspectives.  Very reliable with a built-in dedication, that makes it almost reassuring for one to be on your team.  ‘Silent and strong’ may be a stretch as all three can be quite talkative when they want to be, but they all have a sturdy value system with set desires for their personal life list.

I find Taurus to be the most friendly and almost pleasant to be around of the three.  Virgo is, if they know and are comfortable with the people they’re with.  Anything a Capricorn puts their mind to can be done, so if they deside to have a good time and get out there, they will.

Air Signs

Air Signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Air signs are fun and light people, often congenial and friendly.  Good with people and go with the flow types.  Usually very social people who know how to keep a conversation rolling they’re great in social gatherings.  With Aquarius’ openness and Libra’s unbiasedness, the biggest upset that may occur during a social gathering would be when Gemini decides to play devil’s advocate during a sensitive topic…